Debut Single / Remix of “Red Bottom Shoes (You Lie)” to be released early next month!

I’m very excited to be making this first blog because it’s to introduce my very first single “Red Bottom Shoes (You Lie Remix) with rapper Biggjake. We’ve recorded the song in the studio & now we are just awaiting the finished product; the editing, mixing & mastering of the song by studio engineer AJ Moody of Moodymix Studios. Once that has been completed & AJ puts the finishing touches on the remix, making it sparkle, it will be ready to stream on multiple music platforms such as Spotify, YouTube, Apple ITunes & Amazon music in addition to others. The goal is to have the song released in June, hopefully by the first week of June. Following the release of the debut single remix, we will begin filming the music video for the song, in hopes to release the video on YouTube by late August/ early September. I’m very excited for the filming of the music video, not only because it’s my first ever music video & I get to write and direct it as well as act in it, but it’s one of three related videos of the same subject matter & characters; a trilogy that tells a story.

Battling a heartbreak and stage 3 ovarian cancer, I used the debut album “Red Bottom Shoes” as my creative outlet to express & overcome trauma. After beating cancer for the 3rd time & releasing my first ever debut single “Red Bottom Shoes (You Lie)” as a remix with rapper Biggjake, I’ll be releasing the big band / swing single “King Daddy”.   Accompanying the two singles are also music videos for the two songs, which can be seen on YouTube in the near future, targeted releases for the fall of 2024.

My first video release is one of a series of three that tells a story, “Red Bottom Shoes” which although will be released first, is actually a sequel the second released video “King Daddy”, which is the beginning of the trilogy & sets the stage for the entire album.

“Trauma Bond” will be the third and final video of the trilogy, which will show me mourning a traumatic breakup, all while battling cancer.

I want to tell my story through each song on the 10 track debut album “Red Bottom Shoes” & I’m not holding back.

Narcissistic relationships, cancer, grief, depression, rejection, betrayal & heartbreak are just some of the topics I drive home in the album “Red Bottom Shoes”.  In addition to such deep & relatable topics, also portrayed is anger, wrath, struggling with suicidal ideation, falling in love, losing that love & finally moving on.

I feel it’s important to tell a story, especially one that you’ve personally experienced. People want to hear songs with the words they are afraid to say & that’s why I’m so candid about my relationships & having cancer. I want to relate to an audience that has had trauma in their life. I want to give them a voice, as well as myself.

My debut album “Red Bottom Shoes” is scheduled to be released in the summer of 2025 on Spotify, iTunes & YouTube, so please check this blog page often for updates.

Stay tuned….


Live Looping show at the Floating Sea Aquatics